Sunday, November 1, 2015

Grape of the Month: Chardonnaaaaayyyyy...and maybe some others

One of my least favorite wines right now is Chardonnay. Every time I try it, I dislike how oaky it is. However, after seeing how wines can differ drastically depending on where they come from, I decided to give this varietal another chance and choose it as my grape of the month for November. Also, it seems like a good wine to bring to family holiday celebrations and I wanted to basically get this over with early in my wine journey rather than put it off.

Chardonnay is a white wine that originated in France, but is now grown all over the world. The climate affects the flavor profile: cooler climes produce a lighter body wine with lighter fruit flavors like apple and pear, but as the climate warms up, the flavors change from peach and melon to tropical notes in the warmest places.

According the to the internet, Burgundy produces THE BEST Chardonnay in the world. You may see Chardonnay from this region termed White Burgundy or Chablis. Wines from here are mostly way above my budget for this project, but I did manage to find a couple that fell within it. Hopefully, I will enjoy them more than I have other Chardonnays.

Because this wine is produced everywhere, this grape may extend into December. Partly because I want to try out some Beaujolais Nouveau when it comes out later this month. Remember, dear reader, when I tried some wines my mother had held onto for years? One of them was a Beaujolais Nouveau from 2010, which did not drink well five years later. Since this wine is marketed for Thanksgiving in America, I think it would be appropriate to try.

Also, I thought it would be fun to try out some Champagne or sparkling wine for December to get us ready for New Years Eve. Many bubbly wines are made with Chardonnay grapes, so that makes extending this exploration into next month even more relevant!

So far, I will be trying:

2 from Australia

2 from France

4 from California

1 from Oregon

I'm actually excited for this month of exploring! Finding a Chardonnay I like is going to be a challenge!

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