Sunday, September 6, 2015

Grape of the Month: Pinot Grigio

Not to be confused with the current pet grape of Pinot Blanc.
I swear I won’t be discussing just Pinots on this blog! Or Pintos as I sometimes accidentally type them.....

Here we see 3 varieties of Pintos....blanc, grigio and noir. 
I do such good work in paint!
Actually the grapes aren’t really gray....more of a lighter purple color.
Pinot grigio and pinot blanc are the result of mutations in the DNA of pinot noir. There appears to be lots of research into which came first or if blanc is a mutation of grigio. With the help of the The Furst...., I only had the attention span to read one of these papers, which determined that grigio and blanc are separate mutations. 
Pinot grigio is the Italian name for the grape, but it goes by pinot gris in France or grauburgunder in Germany or a bunch of others depending on where you are in Europe. If you are super interested, go check out wikipedia.
Apparently, this grape is super versatile and super popular. Its grown all over the world and vintners do a shit ton of different stuff to it. From immense research (I looked at like 4 or 5 websites), I can tell you that its best represented by 3 styles: the kind you find in Italy, the kind you find in France (Alsace where that fucker the Furst... is from) and the kind you find in places like California. 
Tomorrow, I’m tasting 3 different kinds, hopefully I picked ones that are representative of these regions (really it just happened to be what Binny’s had on sale). Also watching Lord of War with Nick Cage, so it really should be a good time. Stay tuned!!

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